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Have you ever wondered what God thinks of you? Have you felt overwhelmed and burdened? Have you failed? There is hope. God made you in His image and you are important (if you doubt that God exists, then click here)



Infinite Abyss

Infinite Abyss

The Path

The Path

Invitation to Know Jesus Personally

Invitation to Know Jesus Personally

Jesus, The Messiah

Jesus, The Messiah

Sinful Woman Forgiven

Sinful Woman Forgiven



The Puzzler

The Puzzler


Notes on the videos - English

#05Infinite Abyss - Questions

At the beginning, we see a woman coming out of the bathroom with a pregnancy tester which later shows that she is pregnant.

Have you ever felt alone and out of place? What do you do when you feel life has no meaning? Don't be afraid. God is nearer than you think. God speaks and light shines out of the darkness. "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise-in God I trust and am not afraid." Psalm 56:3-4
  • What do people do to dull the pain after a breakup?
  • Why are breakups so hard?
  • Do you want peace like the girl in the movie?
  • How do you get peace?
  • Click here to listen to a song that has helped many people to come out of the dark fog of hopelessness, emptiness and despair. The text of the lyrics is translated.

#09Delight Video - Questions

  • What did you like about this film? What did you dislike?
  • Can you picture your parents "delighting" in you when you were young? What do you think that was like?
  • God is called Father in the Bible. How does the idea of God delighting in you make you feel?

#10Falling Plates - Questions

    This video is available in most of the "Popular Languages" listed below
  • Life is portrayed as falling plates. What do you think about that?
  • Everyone is on a spiritual journey. Where do you think you are on that journey?
  • Do you think you are moving toward God, away from God, or staying about the same?
  • Would you like to hear how you can know God personally?

#11The Path - Questions

  • To go through the door, what must the main character leave behind?
  • What kind of things in life are worth taking the risk?
  • Are you willing to leave behind everything to gain a new life of peace and joy?

#12Knowing Jesus Personally - Questions

  • How does Jesus fulfil the prophecies?
  • What does Jesus teach?
  • Do you want to be a follower of Jesus?
  • Did you pray to confess your sins and follow Jesus?

#13Jesus The Messiah - Questions

  • How is the sacrifice of Jesus part of God's plan?
  • How do the different groups of people respond to Jesus and His teachings?
  • What are some of the miracles Jesus performed? How do they affect those people?
  • How do you respond to the life of Jesus?

#14Sinful Woman Forgiven - Questions

  • What is your opinion of the sinful woman?
  • What kind of person is she?
  • How did Jesus interpret her action?
  • What do you think her daily life must have been like?

#15Forgiveness Video - Explanation

This video is available in the following languages:-English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, German, Italian, Greek, Hindi, Farsi, Korean, Portuguese, Brazil, Chinese, Burmese.

A son nervously shows the index cards in his hands. His father looks on expectantly. Each card tells the story of the father who hurt him and his mother.
  • You Neglected Me
  • You Rejected Me
  • Then You Despised Me
  • You Used My Love
  • You Took Away my Ability To Trust
  • You Killed Mum
  • You Took Everything From Me
Then the son writes something on a new card. Through tears, he holds up a card that says "Father, I forgive you."

He falls to his knees in front of his crying father. Words flash across the screen from a quote by a Virginia Tech mass-shooting victim days before she was shot.

"When deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive. Forgiveness does not change the past. But it does enlarge the future." -Mary Karen Read

Forgiveness Video - Questions

  • The son waits to write the final notecard. Why do you think he waited?
  • Why do you think so many people experience broken relationships in life?
  • What does forgiveness do for us? Have you experienced forgiving or being forgiven that has changed your life?
  • Click here to listen to a song that has helped many people to come out of the dark fog of hopelessness, emptiness and despair. The text of the lyrics is translated.

#16The Puzzler - Questions

  • Why is change sometimes frightening?
  • If you knew that your life was going to radically change, how would you feel?
  • If you were promised a better life, but you didn't know what it would be would you respond?

Questions and Answers

YouTube Discussions

From Darkness To Light

From Darkness To Light


God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)

  • The life of Jesus is the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (see John 1:1-4)
  • Jesus says to everyone “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest... and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (see Matthew 11:28).
  • Cry unto God to take you out of hopelessness, darkness and emptiness. You can sing the song as a prayer.


  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness
  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness

  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness
  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness

  • You speak my name; The silence quakes
  • A form just beyond design
  • Silent fire
  • You take emptiness away {1:55 time}

  • You speak and light shines {2:25 time}; Out of darkness
  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness {2:55 time}

  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness
  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness {3:27 time}

  • You reach I wait {3:30 time}; The quiet ache
  • The sail and storm reply; Silent fire
  • You take emptiness away

  • Shine shine shine {4:18 time}; Your light your light
  • Shine shine shine; Your light your light {4:33 time}

  • Shine shine shine {4:34 time}; Your light your light
  • Shine shine shine; Your light your light {4:48 time}

  • Shine shine shine {4:50 time}; Your light your light
  • Shine shine shine; Your light your light {4:48 time}

  • Shine shine shine {4:50 time}; Your light your light
  • Shine shine shine; Your light your light (you take emptiness away) {5:02 time}

  • Shine shine shine {5:07 time}; Your light your light (you take emptiness away 5:10)

  • Shine shine shine {5:15 time}; Your light your light

  • You speak and light shines {5:23 time}; Out of darkness
  • You take emptiness away.
  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness
  • You take emptiness away

  • [The following is repeated]
  • You speak and light shines {5:55 time}; Out of darkness
  • You take emptiness away
  • You speak and light shines; Out of darkness
  • You take emptiness away
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