Losing your livelihood for challenging Dogma

We expect scientists to be honest people who follow the evidence wherever it leads, but some have been punished for doing just that. Challenging the dogma of Darwinian evolution can be very costly.

Darwinian evolution theory is protected by threats, misinformation, dishonesty and lies. In the videos below, please ignore the dogma of "evolved" since a good designer would plan for variations in the environment. Pay attention to words such as 'machines', 'trasportation', 'communication links', body 'plans', 'beautiful', 'amazing', etc which point to a designer.

My Last Day

My Last Day


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed (full movie)


My Last Day

My Last Day


German Scientist Sacked For Rejecting Dogma and Valuing Intelligence


My Last Day

My Last Day


Promoter Of Darwinian Dogma Flees From Debating A Top Christian


My Last Day

My Last Day


Darwinian Evolution Theory is Dogma Imposed on The Teaching of Science


My Last Day

My Last Day


Less is More: How Darwinian Evolution Helps Species Adapt by BREAKING Genes


My Last Day

My Last Day


Atheist Physicist is caught lying about proofs & evidence


My Last Day

My Last Day


Darwinian Evolution is protected by Dishonesty and Lies


My Last Day

My Last Day


Darwin Devolves (not evolves) - Michael Behe


My Last Day

My Last Day


Cells - Motors, Roadways, Construction, Machines etc


My Last Day

My Last Day


Brilliant Chemist Says "Scientists are Clueless on the Origin of Life"


My Last Day

My Last Day


Viruses point to an Intelligent Designer


My Last Day

My Last Day


Banned Talk: The Science Delusion | Science Dogma


My Last Day

My Last Day


Probability of a Single Protein Forming by Chance


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